Topic-Child Protection
For the parents
Dear Parents,
Today is our second lesson in this series.
Kindly revise the prayer with your children sent in the previous post.
Today, please assist your child to colour the given worksheet. Its perfectly fine if you cannot print it. You can simply draw the same on any paper and assist your child to colour it.
Kindly revise the prayer with your children sent in the previous post.
Today, please assist your child to colour the given worksheet. Its perfectly fine if you cannot print it. You can simply draw the same on any paper and assist your child to colour it.
Learning Outcome-
The learner will be able to
revise the prayer rhyme and colour the worksheet, thanking God for our special bodies.
Dear Students,
Good Morning!
Are you all happy today?
Ready for today's work?
First of all lets revise the prayer rhyme once again!
Repeat after your parents.
Now it's time to colour!
1. Take out your crayon box.
2. Choose the crayons of your choice.
3. Colour the picture nicely.

Dear Parents,
Please assist your child to colour the given worksheet. Just press right click on the above picture to copy and paste the picture in your computer. Its perfectly fine if you cannot print it. You can simply draw the same on any paper and let your child colour it.
Are you all happy today?
Ready for today's work?
First of all lets revise the prayer rhyme once again!
Repeat after your parents.
Now it's time to colour!
1. Take out your crayon box.
2. Choose the crayons of your choice.
3. Colour the picture nicely.

Dear Parents,
Please assist your child to colour the given worksheet. Just press right click on the above picture to copy and paste the picture in your computer. Its perfectly fine if you cannot print it. You can simply draw the same on any paper and let your child colour it.

A humble request to the PARENTS...
Kindly write the name and class of your
child with your comments about the
post in the comments section when you see
this lesson.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Remember to have fun doing this lesson
with your children.
Very Important-
1.Students to do the work on loose
sheets/ papers.
2.Parents are requested to preserve all
the worksheets/ cards/ activity
materials in a folder (date wise.)
3.Parents are requested to also make
short videos of the oral activities/ poem
Good Morning Maam
Aarav Prasher Roll No.33 KG-D
Kiyaan Gupta roll no.16 kg d
Lam Muan Dik Tombing Kg D roll no 12
Good morning
Angad Singh Talwar
Roll no 46
Good morning ma'am
Naitik Mishra KG D roll no 32
Good Morning ma'am
Pranjal Rai
Roll No 35
18/4/20, Vihaan, kG D, roll no 3
Good Morning Ma'am !
I m Ryan Roger of KG-D, Roll No. 39
Vidhaan jagwani kg d roll no 17
Steve Massey
KG-D Roll No.31
Good Morning Mam
Vihaan Shukla
Roll No.41
Abeer ali roll no.5
Kg D
Asalou Lanah, KG D, new Roll No 30.
Good morning ma'am
Rehman Abdul
Roll no 38
Alwin Toppo,Kg-D,roll no-47
Avyaan Lal, Roll No-29, Class-G-D
Dakshith Singh, KG D, Roll No. 42
Anirudh KG-D roll number 10
Muhammad Ruhaan war's
Roll no 48 KG D
Noysl Alex
Kg D
Roll no 4
Mohammad Hassan
Roll no 34
good morning Abu bakar
kg d roll no 7
Good morning ma'am
Milan Bibin KG D
Roll no 9
Hanish kewalramani
Roll No 21
Good morning
Krishneel Sood
Roll no. 45
Naman Sharma roll no 40 KG D
Good morning mam
Reyansh goel
Roll no 13
Good morning mam
Ayaan David
Roll no. 11,K.G- D
Good morning Ma'am,
Keith Reddy
Roll no.4
Good morning mam
Anugrah Christopher kujur
KG-D Roll no 25
Aksh Kumar Roll No. 27 KG-D
Yes ma'am Zidaan khan
Roll no 23, KG D
Good morning Amazir khan roll no 22
Good morning ma’am.
Wishing you a day filled with joyous moments..
Khushaansh Kundra
KG D Redox Roll 28
M. Zores Qureshi, rollno. 33,kG.D
Good Morning Ma'am
Austin Jose KG D Roll no.19
Sukrit divyakirti
Roll no 24
Hridaan Jain #30 kgd
Good Morning
Jishan Soni, Roll No 44,KG D
Good morning Ma'am
MOHAK KG D ROll no 1
Aaransh Kumar, KG-D, Roll No. 26
Hitain singh
Roll no 43
Abdul Rehman roll no 37 kG D
AUSTIN GOMES KG-D Roll no 43,14
Daksh babbar KG-D roll no 14
Vidhaan jagwani kg d roll no 17
Good Morning Ma'am
Austin Jose
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